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Fast Pcr 6.0

카테고리 없음

by nathlalightens1982 2020. 3. 1. 15:09


Fast Pcr 6.0

Brilliant III qPCR and QRT-PCRE Master Mixes are more sensitive and faster via the quick-activating hot start and the engineered Taq-mutant. Brilliant III ultrafast maintains amplification efficiency, R2, dynamic range, and detection sensitivity.

6.0Fast pcr 6.0 for sale

Fast Pcr 6.0 Download

Shorter total cycle time.Perfect for researchers who want their data faster without compromising quality. More resistance to common qPCR inhibitors such as whole blood or NaCl. Optimized fast cycling formulation. Preblended formulations compatible with any sequence-specific probe detection chemistry.